Club membership includes;
- Participation in all club rides and social events
- Our weekly update, monthly summary and quarterly programme emails
Register for access to the members area of the website
Join our Facebook page
We promise that your details will not be forwarded to any third party companies without your prior consent and you will not receive advertising or offers via email or post.
Applicants must be 18 years old or over. The Club Committee may refuse membership, or remove it, only for good cause such as conduct or character likely to bring the Club or sport into disrepute, obstructing the committee in its business, violence, intimidation or discrimination. See our Terms & Conditions for further details.
Contact the Committee for more about the club.
Meet Up for a chat about what we do and have to offer. Club rides are Sunday 10am and Wednesday 7pm from outside the Shepherd & Shepherdess pub just across the road from the main entrance to Beamish Museum.

Contact Us

!!Club membership has reopened!!
The Beamish OddSox Mountain Bike Club is affiliated to British Cycling, being the main national governing body for cycle sport in Great Britain. They also provide the club with third party insurance, lobby for cyclists’ interests and provide expert advice and guidance to affiliated cycling clubs like our own.
One benefit of our club affiliation is that they provide a bespoke platform for managing club membership lists, emails and newsletters. We can also use the platform to manage our annual club subscriptions.
Club Membership Fee : £10+£1
Membership of the Beamish OddSox Mountain Bike Club is remaining at £10 for the 2024/2025 season and entitles members to attend club rides, social events, access to the members' area of our website, Facebook page and receive the club newsletters.
There is also a £1 handling fee applied by British Cycling directly payable at the time you join. You will also be given the option to become a member of British Cycling, but this is not a requirement of becoming a member of the Beamish OddSox Mountain Bike Club. The benefits of becoming a member of British Cycling can be found on their website at www.britishcycling.org.uk
Club membership is now available. Just click on the JOIN HERE link to British Cycling and follow the on screen instructions to join our club.
Please direct all membership enquiries to the membership secretary by email.
Please read our terms and conditions
Payment Methods
We only accept membership payment to the club via the British Cycling link (no cash, bank transfers or cheques!)
For further details please email our Membership Secretary;